Monroe County, Indiana

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Parks & Recreation Board

The Parks & Recreation Board is a seven-member board which manages the county park system on behalf of the Monroe County Commissioners, sets policy, approves claim expenditures, and proposes departmental budgets. The Park Board members are appointed by Commissioners (1 appointment), Council (2 appointments), Board of Judges (2 appointments), Mayor of Bloomington (1 appointment), and the Extension Agent as an ex-officio voting member.

The Parks and Recreation Board shall have those powers and duties prescribed by Indiana code 36-10-3-11

In addition to those powers and duties, the Board shall have additional powers and duties as follows:

  • Exercise general supervision of/and make rules for the department
  • Establish rules governing the use of the park and recreation facilities and programs by the public
  • Appoint the necessary administrative officers of the department and fix their duties
  • Establish standards and qualification for the appointment of all personnel and approve their appointments without regard to politics
  • Make recommendations and an annual report to the County Council and Board of County Commissioners concerning the operation of the Board and the status of park and recreation programs in the county
  • Prepare and submit annual budget and salary recommendations in the same manner as other executive departments of the county
  • Approve all claims and expenditures for disbursement in the same manner as other executive departments of the county.

The Parks & Recreation Board meets the third Wednesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. in Room 100B in the Showers Building.

Board Application




Evelyn Harrell 

County Council


Phil Cornwell



Edward Oehlman

By Virtue of Office


Joe Goss

Circuit Court


Kevin Dogan

County Council


Dr. Carolyn VandeWiele

Circuit Court


Carol Walter

Mayor of Bloomington


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