Monroe County, Indiana

Welcoming people from all walks of life.

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Boards and Commissions Application

 Step 1 of 2

Your completed application will be submitted to the Monroe County Commissioner's Office.

All applications are held for one year.  As various openings come up, you may be contacted to see if you are interested in serving.

Citizen Participation Through Boards and Commissions

The citizens of Monroe County have enjoyed a long tradition of participation in County government. Through representation on boards and commissions, residents are offered an important avenue to help create effective and equitable laws and policies. Citizen involvement contributes not only to the success of their government but to their overall quality of life as well.

Types of Boards and Commissions

Boards and commissions are created by state laws and rules, executive orders, and federal laws and regulations.

Each board is unique in its purpose, mission, and role. 

The form will list all Boards, Commissions, and Committees currently active in Monroe County Government. 

* Denotes a required field

Please Select the Board, Commission or Committee you wish to apply for

Boards, Commissions and Committees

Applying for?*