Monroe County, Indiana

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Community Service Programs

Community Service Programs

Monroe County Community Corrections offers a way to complete community service hours ordered by the Court, administrative disciplinary sanction or as a condition of the Prosecutor’s Pretrial Diversion Program.  There is a $4 per hour user fee assessed for all hours required.

Public Restitution Program

Participants are assigned to various government or non-profit agencies to complete their community service hours by a specified deadline.  Each agency remains in communication with Community Corrections to update the participant’s progress.  Duties could range from clerical to light manual labor.  Work hours are coordinated with the assigned agency’s supervisor.

Intake:  An individual appointment is scheduled to review the conditions of Public Restitution.  Participants must agree to the terms of being on the program and are provided a deadline to complete the number of hours required.  Transportation is the participant’s own responsibility and expense.  

Agencies Seeking Community Service Workers

How To Apply

Non-profit and government agencies are eligible to receive Public Restitution labor.  The first step is to complete and mail the Agency Agreement application to: 

Community Service Coordinator, Monroe County Community Corrections
405 W. 7th
Bloomington, IN 47404

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