Monroe County, Indiana

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General Information

Citizens of Indiana have access to case filings not precluded by Rules on Access to Court Records Rule 5.  If you wish to view a pending case or a closed case, Odyssey (the judicial tracking information program) provides access to court information via the internet.  You can access case information without visiting or placing a call to the Justice Building.  Please note: Juvenile and mental health matters, per Rules on Access to Court Records Rule 5 are not accessible.

Visitors must know at the minimum the first 3 letters of the last name or full case number to perform the search.  If you are using only the first 3 letters, place an * after the 3rd letter prior to submitting.

The link to the website is:

**Juvenile Paternity cases filed prior to July 1, 2014 may not appear on**

Criminal Case Types

  • CF: Criminal Felony (New CF case numbers shall not be issued after 12/31/2001. CF cases filed prior to 1/1/2002 shall continue to bear the CF case type designation.)
  • CM: Criminal Misdemeanor
  • F1: Level 1 Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or after 7/1/2014)
  • F2: Level 2 Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or after 7/1/2014)
  • F3: Level 3 Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or after 7/1/2014)
  • F4: Level 4 Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or after 7/1/2014)
  • F5: Level 5 Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or after 7/1/2014)
  • F6: Level 6 Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or after 7/1/2014)
  • FA: Class A Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or before 6/30/2014)
  • FB: Class B Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or before 6/30/2014)
  • FC: Class C Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or before 6/30/2014)
  • FD: Class D Felony (to be used for crimes committed on or before 6/30/2014)
  • IF: Infraction
  • MC: Miscellaneous Criminal
  • MR: Murder

*The general public may report a crime to arresting agencies or the Prosecutor's Office to investigate, but only the Prosecutor's Office has the discretionary power to file formal criminal charges. 

Case Type Quick Reference Guide

Court Costs

Courts: Online Services

E-file Support Contact:

Free or Reduced Legal Services

Glossary of Legal Terms

Public Access to Odyssey Case Management System

Self-Help Forms and Resources

Motion for a Continuance of Hearing

*Please note if you have an attorney, then pleadings submitted in Criminal matters by defendant(s) rather than Counsel will be forwarded to Defense Counsel.


Please note the Application for Earned Dismissal and Application for Reduction of Conviction are Probation forms. These forms are to be submitted to Probation PRIOR to filing with the Court:

Application for Earned Dismissal

Application for Reduction of Conviction


Indiana Rules of Court Rules of Criminal Procedure

Monroe Circuit Court Local Rules

Pretrial Diversion Program

The Pretrial Diversion Program (PDP) is offered at the discretion of the Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office to defendants without significant criminal records who have been charged with certain minor offenses. The program allows a defendant to avoid a criminal conviction on their record by completing a specific set of requirements. Upon successful completion of the program requirements, the defendant’s charges will be dismissed.

Indiana Rules of Court Rules of Post-Conviction Remedies

  • Please note that Citations or Misdemeanor level offenses may not be filed until the day PRIOR to the hearing. Generally, a new misdemeanor arrest will have an Initial Hearing set the day following the arrest. If a person is booked in after midnight, they won't likely have the hearing set the next day, but the following day. When a judge finds Probable Cause on a new felony, it is often the day after an arrest and the criminal case is usually filed after Probable Cause is found. This can be subject to change if the Prosecutor has requested a 72-hour continuance. The Clerk may direct inquiry to the Duty Court if exceptions apply. 

  • For information concerning the Pretrial Diversion Program, you will need to contact Jeremy Cooney, Program Director, at (812) 349-2823.  If you have an appointment with him, or you need to pay your fees, then you will need to go to room 211 before coming into the Clerk's Office.

  • When a Court hearing date has been given, whether by receipt of citation, summons or directly from the Court, the Clerk's office cannot change your Court date, you have to speak directly with the Court where your case is pending, or with the duty Court for the week.

  • Please keep all records of cause numbers, especially if you have more than one case. You may look up your case at

  • Bond money release for filed cases: the Clerk will release bond money provided the Court has issued an Order to do so.  If you have bond money coming back to you, you need to make sure the Clerk has your  current mailing address, if we sent the bond refund and it is returned to us for insufficient address, it will have to be transferred back into trust and eventually may be turned over to the state. *See Indiana Unclaimed Funds

  • Bond money release for no charges: You must get a letter from the Prosecutor stating that charges are not being filed and that your bond money can be released.  The Clerk must receive that money from the Sheriff's Department and have that money in trust one working business day (24 hours) before it can be released.

  • Any overdue Court costs, whether you owe the entire amount or you have a balance will be assessed an additional $25.00 late fee.

  • Some Civil Cases may be handled by Criminal Courts: Expungements (XP), Post-Conviction Relief (PC), and Specialized Driving Privileges - Miscellaneous Civil (MI). *We typically find BMV Reinstatement Waivers filed as Miscellaneous Criminal (MC) cases bearing no applicable filing fee. 

Failure to Rule on Motion 

These Trial Rules are officially titled “Failure to rule on motion” and “Time for holding issue under advisement; delay of entering a judgment” but are commonly known as the “lazy judge” rules.

  • Services

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Charlotte Zietlow Justice Center
301 N College Ave
Bloomington, IN 47404
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