Monroe County, Indiana

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Inequity, Discrimination & Bias CHIP Workgroup

Join a CHIP group button          CHIP kickoff button         Substance Use & Mental Health         Poverty and Navigating Health & Social Services         Inequity, Discrimination and Bias button underlined

If you are not receiving communication (agenda, notes, doodle poll and meeting invites etc.) and you have signed up for this group, please reach out to Melanie Vehslage or Rebecca Nunley, emails below. 

 Please see below for past and upcoming workgroup information:

Meetings will be held the second Monday of the month from 11-12n on Zoom and will likely be hybrid at a rotating room at Monroe County Public Library. 

Meeting Date/Time Location Agenda Minutes
Monday August 14th 

Monday June 12th 11-12 Zoom 

6.12.23 IDB Agenda

IDB Editable Resource List

IDB Draft Timeline

6.12.23 IDB Notes
Monday May 8 MCPL & Zoom 5.8.23 IDB Agenda 5.8.2023 IDB Notes
Monday April 10th 11a-12n MCPL & Zoom 4.10.23 IDB Notes
Monday March 13th 11 am-12 noon Monroe County Public Library Room 2A & Zoom 3.13.2023 IDB Agenda 3.13.23 IDB Notes
February 13th 11am-12n Monroe County Public Library Room 2A & Zoom 2.13.23 IDB Agenda 2.13.2023 IDB Notes
Monday January 9th 11am-12 noon Zoom 1.9.23 IDB Agenda Helping Bloomington Monroe Slides for 1.9.23 IDB CHIP presentation
Monday November 14th 11 am - 12 noon Monroe County Public Library Room 2A & Zoom (email Emily or Melanie for link) 11.14.22 IDB CHIP workgroup meeting agenda

11.14.22 Inequity, Discrimination and Bias CHIP Workgroup meeting minutes 

Helping Bloomington Monroe Brief History

11.14.22 IDB CHIP additional materials MHA suicide prevention

Monday, October 24th, 10:30 am - 11:30 am Monroe County Public Library Room 2A & Zoom (email Emily or Melanie for link) 10.24.22 CHIP IDB workgroup meeting agenda

10.24.22 IDB CHIP Workgroup notes

10.24.22 Jamboard (consolidated topic areas)

10.24.22 notes addendum - DEIA & Implicit Bias Tools & Resources - Annotated List - compiled as of 10.2022 by Nick Philbeck

Wednesday, September 28th 10 am -11 am Monroe County Public Library Room 1C & Zoom (email Emily or Melanie for link)

9.28.22 IDB CHIP agenda

9.28.22 IDB CHIP meeting - attachment: community quotes

9.28.22 IDB CHIP Notes

9.28.22 IDB CHIP Jamboard (new additions in pink)

Friday, August 26th 10:10a-11a MCPL & Google Meet 8.26.22 IDB CHIP workgroup agenda & handout

8.26.22 IDB CHIP notes

8.26.22 Jamboard IDB CHIP group


If you are interested in participating in the Inequity, Discrimination & Bias CHIP Workgroup, please sign up here

The Monroe County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Kickoff took place on July 14th. 

If you were unable to attend in person, click here or on the sound icon below to listen to the Zoom recording. The passcode to listen is: ?a0H3@5V. To view the associated slides from the presentation, click here or on the slide icon below. 

                              Listen Icon                                                     Kickoff Landing Slide               

Contact for Inequity, Discrimination & Bias CHIP Workgroup: 

Melanie Vehslage:

Rebecca Nunley:  

This page was updated on 6/27/2023

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Lori Kelley,
Health Administrator
Health Building
119 W 7th St
Bloomington, IN 47404
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  • Phone: (812) 349-2543
  • Fax: (812) 339-6481
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.

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