Monroe County, Indiana

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Citizen and Records Request

Request Records Electronically! 

In an effort to continuously improve services to the citizens of our county, we have launched an Electronic Request Processing Solution. 

You can request services from us by using our website, entering your request on a kiosk in our office, or visit and interact with staff. Irrespective of your type of request, we provide a transaction reference ID, and provide automatic communications. This new system will make us efficient, responsive to citizen requests, and state of the art by implementing a best practices packaged solution. To submit a request select the appropriate form, fill in all of the information and submit. You will be automatically notified of the progress via e-mails; or you can check the status by clicking on the "Track Your Request" button & putting in your Transaction ID number. 

To make a suggestion, ask a question, or let us know about a problem, select the Online Request Form & submit.

To print a hard copy form to fill in, and mail, fax, or bring in to the office, please click the Document Center link & select & click on appropriate form.

Please feel free to use one of our public access computers available in the front lobby area of the Monroe County Clerk’s Office. 

The Clerk’s Office requires requests to view files be submitted at least 24 hours in advance. Any request received prior to 2 pm should be available at least within 72 hours (with the exception of weekends or holidays).

Contact Us

Nicole Browne,
County Clerk-Election Board Secretary

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