Monroe County, Indiana

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Outdoor Warning Sirens

Severe Weather/Outdoor Warning Siren System

Through a combined effort of county, city, Indiana University, townships, other governmental agencies, churches and area businesses, Monroe County has 47 Outdoor Warning Sirens. The sirens are Outdoor Warning Sirens and are designed to be heard outdoors but you may hear a siren inside if you are near a siren location. The purpose of the Outdoor Warning Sirens is to warn people who may be outside during the time of a thunderstorm. If someone hears a warning siren sound while outside, that should give them a heads up that there is a severe weather threat nearby and that they need to seek immediate shelter.

When you hear a steady tone, it means that a tornado has been sighted in Monroe County or the National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for Monroe County.

  • Take cover immediately.
  • There is no “All Clear” signal.
  • Tune to local cable TV or radio stations for information and instructions.

The Outdoor Warning Sirens are tested on the first Friday of the month at 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm unless weather conditions are such that there may be a need for an actual weather warning.

The outdoor warning sirens will also be tested during an annual statewide tornado drill that takes place during Indiana Severe Weather Preparedness Week in March. For 2024, the Statewide Tornado Drill will be Tuesday, March 12th at 10:15 AM. Wednesday, March 13th, will be a backup date if needed due to weather. 

The question is often asked "When are Outdoor Warning Sirens activated?" Monroe County Central Dispatch has established a protocol for activation of the siren system. 

  1. When a TORNADO WARNING has been issued for Monroe County by the National Weather Service at the Indianapolis office.
  2. When a public safety officer (police, fire or EMS) reports SIGHTING a funnel cloud or tornado.
  3. Based on a report from a trained Skywarn Spotter.
  4. Note that there is no “All Clear” signal. 
  5. Tune in to local radio or cable TV for information and instructions.

When OUTDOOR WARNING SIRENS are activated:

  • Do seek shelter
  • Do not call emergency services dispatch (911) to ask why the sirens are sounding!

Hear the Tornado Warning siren sound.

Siren Locations in Monroe County

Outdoor Sirens Map

1.  Eagles Landing Ellettsville

2.  Bean Blossom Township Fire Station

3.  Indiana Department of Transportation

4.  Indian Creek Township Fire Station

5.  Harrodsburg Community Center

6.  Sabin Corporation

7.  Unionville Elementary School

8.  Unionville Baptist Church

9.  Riddle Point – Lake Lemon

10. Sherwood Oaks Christian Church

11. Smithville Ball Diamonds

12. City Service Center

13. American Legion

14. The Pointe

15. Batchelor Middle School

16. Century Village – WBWB Tower

17. MDV Nash Finch

18. Monroe County Fairgrounds

19. Stanford Baptist Church

20. Ransburg Boy Scout Camp

21. Ellettsville Intermediate School 

22. Summit Elm. School

23. St. John's Catholic Church

24. Dellsville

25. Hoosier Energy

26. East Monroe Water Corp

27. UPA-Family Worship Center

28. Stinesville Lions Club

29. DNR-Fairfax Beach

30. DNR-Paynetown Recreation Area

31. MCSWMD-Anderson Road

32. MCSWMD-Oard Road

33. Woodhaven Church

34. Smithville Telephone SR45

35. Mt Olive Church

36. Ivy Tech

37. South Union Church

38. Souls Matter Church

39. Dolan Ridge Church

40. Morgan-Monroe State Forest

*Bloomington Township Fire Dept (whelen)

IU1. IU Police Department

IU2. Campus Division

IU3. Cyclotron

IU4. Justice Building

IU5. Foster Harper

IU6. Student Union

Contact Us

Jamie Neibel,
Director Emergency Management

Physical Address

5850 W Foster Curry Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Get Directions

Physical Address

5850 W Foster Curry Dr
Bloomington, IN 47403
Get Directions
  • Phone: (812) 349-2546
  • Phone: (812) 349-2546
  • Fax: (812) 349-2052
  • Fax: (812) 349-2052
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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