Monroe County, Indiana

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Evidence Based Practices



 In 2019, Arnold Ventures and the City University of New York Institute for State and Local Governance launched the Reducing Revocations Challenge, a national initiative dedicated to transforming probation supervision and reducing unnecessary failures that contribute to mass incarceration. For the Reducing Revocations Challenge (RRC) Phase 1,  Arnold Ventures funded research in ten jurisdictions across the United States, including Monroe County, IN, to examine the drivers behind probation revocations. The challenge supported action research in the selected jurisdictions to better understand why revocations occur and how they can be prevented.  Monroe County, IN completed the RRC Phase 1 in June 2021.  See findings from Monroe County, Indiana, Final Report (June 30, 2021)

Monroe County and its research partners were chosen as one of only five sites from Phase 1 of the Reducing Revocations Challenge to continue with Phase 2 of the Challenge.  In this second phase, Arnold Ventures provided funding to support training for probation officers and other interventions to disrupt pathways that lead to revocation, and ultimately increase client success on community supervision. During Phase 2, from September 2021 to September 2023, the Monroe Circuit Court Probation Department implemented interventions to interrupt probation revocations and track their impact. Because an average probation case lasts between one and two years, we will not have a full picture of the impact of interventions until probationers sentenced under the old norms have processed out, and we can collect data on the experiences of a full group of probationers sentenced under the new norms. Nonetheless, the implementation phase yields critical insights. Our final report covers what we have learned in Phase 2, including both the “how to” of driving policy change through action–research, and some interesting preliminary data.

(1) The full report: Indiana Probation Policy Brief 

(2) A short summary of the lessons learned: Indiana Probation Policy Brief Takeaways  

Acknowledgements: This research was made possible by funding from Arnold Ventures and with support from CUNY ISLG. Applied research is a collaborative endeavor; it is not possible without the participation of many stakeholders. We are grateful for the assistance and cooperation of Monroe Circuit Court Probation department, as well as the judges, attorneys, and community members who made this work possible. We would also like to thank Emma Stone and Justice System Partners.

Citation: Northcutt Bohmert, Miriam, Troy Hatfield, Michelle Ying, Eric Grommon, and Evan Lowder (2023). “Reducing Revocations Challenge: Phase 2 Policy Brief. Monroe County, Indiana.” Indiana University.

Evidence Based Practices Defined 

The National Institute of Corrections defines evidence-based practice (EBP) as the objective, balanced, and responsible use of current research and the best available data to guide policy and practice decisions, such that outcomes for consumers are improved. Used originally in the health care and social science fields, evidence-based practice focuses on approaches demonstrated to be effective through empirical research rather than through anecdote or professional experience alone.

The Probation Department began utilizing evidence-based practices (EBP) in 1998. Research has shown that when probation, parole, and community corrections programs are evidence-based organizations, they are more likely to be successful in reducing recidivism. However, using evidence-based programs and practices alone does not make an organization an “evidence-based organization.”  The Indiana Department of Correction (DOC) requires that all programs receiving DOC grant funding shall use such funds to support an evidence-based practices organization as described in Mark Carey'sBuilding and Sustaining an EBP Organization” audit tool.  The Community Corrections division of the Department is audited by the DOC with this audit tool to determine if the organization is utilizing programs and conducting business according to policies and procedures that could be demonstrated by research to be effective in reducing offender recidivism.

EBP organizations must do such things as: complete validated risk assessments on all offenders; train staff to effectively communicate with offenders (motivational interviewing, finding what motivates the individual offender); offer a continuum of programming especially cognitive behavioral programs which research validates are successful in reducing risk of recidivism; and measure effectiveness of programming/practices through continuous quality improvement (CQI).

Reducing Revocations Challenge

  • Findings from Monroe County, Indiana, Final Report (June 30, 2021).   In May 2019, Arnold Ventures and the City University of New York Institute for State and Local Governance (ISLG)announced the launch of the Reducing Revocations Challenge, a national initiative dedicated to transforming probation supervision and reducing unnecessary failures that contribute to mass incarceration. Arnold Ventures funded research in ten jurisdictions across the United States to examine the drivers behind probation revocations. The challenge supported action research in the selected jurisdictions to better understand why revocations occur and how they can prevented. This is the final report for Monroe County, Indiana.  For additional information contact Dr. Miriam Northcutt Bohmert, Ph.D., at
  • Monroe County and its research partners (listed below) were chosen as one of only five sites across the U.S. to continue with Phase 2 of the Challenge.  The first phase focused on examining existing data and talking with probation clients, probation officers, attorneys, and judges to identify potential areas of change.  In this second phase, Arnold Ventures provides funding to support training for probation officers and other interventions to disrupt pathways that lead to revocation, and ultimately increase client success on community supervision.  

           The Probation Department will receive $170,000 to implement three (3) strategies:

  • Strategy 1: Increase fidelity to Motivational Interviewing (MI), Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS), and effective case planning.

             Update September 2022: Training to increase probation officer skills in these areas is underway.  

  • Strategy 2: Revise standard conditions of probation.

            Update September 2022:  The probation RRC team met with consultant Dr. Brian Lovins several times,                              alongside probation staff, attorneys, and judges, to revise the standard conditions of probation.

  • Strategy 3: Increase the use of incentives for probation officers and incentives for probation clients including earned early termination from probation supervision.

             Update September 2022:  Workgroups have been identified and are beginning to meet to discuss policy and                 practice around these important issues.

             For additional information contact Dr. Miriam Northcutt Bohmert, Ph.D., at

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    Monday - Thursday
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm
    8:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Day Reporting Hours:
    Monday - Thursday
    7:00 am - 9:00 am
    3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    7:00 am - 9:00 am
    7:00 am (Problem Solving Court)

    Emergency calls taken 24 hours through the Bloomington Police Dept, (812) 339-4477, 911, or Monroe Co. Sheriff's Office (812) 349-2780.

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