FAQs - FAQs by Type
- I just bought a new house. What deductions can I get ?
- Are the Public Defenders real attorneys?
- Are there any exemptions from jury service?
- Can I change my mailing address?
- Can I guarantee my bill is mailed with an on-time postmark?
- Can I have a second home on my property?
- Can I pay my property tax by credit card?
- Do I get paid as a juror?
- Do I have to pay the Public Defender?
- Does the Court provide lunch for jurors?
- How are jurors selected?
- How can my family reach me if there is an emergency at home while I'm on jury service?
- How do I add or remove someone from my property?
- How do I divide my property?
- How do I find my property lines?
- How do I find out if my property is in a Flood Zone?
- How do I find out if there is a regulated (legal) drain on my property?
- How do I find out if there is a survey on file for my property?
- How do I find out more information about Drug Court?
- How do I find out who owns a specific property?
- How do I get a permit to build a fence?
- How do I get a Public Defender to represent me?
- How do I get more information on the Infraction Diversion Program?
- How do I obtain a mobile home title transfer or moving permit?
- How do I pay Food and Beverage tax?
- How do I pay my innkeepers tax?
- How do I request a recommendation for a private surveyor to hire?
- How do I request a recommendation for a real estate attorney to hire?
- How do I resolve a property line dispute?
- How does Drug Court work?
- How is my tax bill calculated?
- How long does a juror have to serve?
- How many acres are required to create a buildable lot?
- How many jurors are required?
- How many jurors must agree on a verdict?
- How much does it cost to have my property surveyed?
- How much were my taxes in previous years?
- I can't afford to pay this ticket - What now?
- I did not receive my tax bill.
- I forgot the name of my Public Defender. I forgot my court date. How can I find out?
- I have additional questions or concerns about jury service. Who do I ask?
- I just paid off my mortgage. What do I do next?
- I refinanced my mortgage. I was told that I had to refile my Homestead deduction. Is this true?
- If my juror number is read on the notification line what does that mean?
- Is there anything I can do to prior to a flood or flash flooding?
- My English is limited/I am Deaf. Can the Public Defender get an interpreter to assist me?
- Once I pay my ticket, how long will it take for the BMV to be notified?
- Should I hire a private attorney?
- Should I try to hire a private attorney because they will do a better job/the Public Defender is overworked/not as experienced/doesnt care/works for the County/works for the Judges/works for the State?
- What are my building setbacks?
- What are the different types of jury trials?
- What are the regulations regarding home businesses?
- What are the regulations regarding livestock and domestic animals?
- What are the regulations regarding outdoor trash and junk vehicles?
- What are the requirements to serve as a juror?
- What are your transfer fees?
- What can I do on my property?
- What do I do after a Public Defender is appointed to my case?
- What do I do if I missed my traffic court date?
- What do I do if I'm having a dispute with my neighbor about a fence?
- What do I need to bring to the Auditor's office with me to file deductions?
- What happens at the appointment?
- What if there is an MC at the end of the charge?
- What if your ticket number (Citation or UTT#) doesnt pull up in mycase.IN.gov?
- What is Drug Court?
- What is flood insurance?
- What is my Zoning?
- What is the deadline for filing deductions and exemptions?
- What is the difference between a Flood and Flash Flooding?
- What is the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning?
- What is the difference between eligible for duty and serving as a juror?
- What is the Lake Monroe Watershed area?
- What is this Stormwater Fee on my bill?
- What role does the Planning Department play?
- What should I do after the threat of a flood or flash flooding has passed?
- What should I do if a flood or flash flooding is likely for my area?
- What should I do once a tornado warning has been issued or if a tornado is imminent?
- What types of cases are assigned to Public Defenders?
- When are Monroe County property taxes due?
- When are taxes due?
- When do I need a building permit?
- When do I need a grading permit?
- When do I need a logging permit?
- When do I need a sign permit?
- When I pay online, how long does it take before your system reflects my payment?
- Where can flood plain information be obtained?
- Where do I file my property tax deductions?
- Where do I park if Im required to report for jury service?
- Where is my loved one being taken?
- Who else can I talk to about my case?
- Who is eligible for Drug Court?
- Why is the Coroner involved in the death of my loved one?
- Will the Public Defender represent me if I am a resident of another county/state/country?