Monroe County, Indiana

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Microsoft TEAMS - Support and Tips on using Microsoft TEAMS Teleconferencing to Attend Monroe County Public Meetings

Monroe County has partnered with Microsoft TEAMS in order to provide continuity of Government services for the citizens of Monroe County.  This platform will allow Monroe County to provide transparency to our Citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Microsoft TEAMS is easy to use, runs well on most computers, and does not require a program to be installed on your machine.  Additionally, parties without a computer can join in the meetings, via audio only, by dialing into the access phone numbers with any touch-tone telephone.

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Learn more about how to access Teams:

To maintain order during the meeting, guests will have their audio channel muted by the Monroe County Host.  If you wish to participate in public comment during comment periods, please signal your intent by either "raising your hand" virtually or sending a private chat to the Host.

Once you have joined the meeting, you may participate by going to the top ribbon of the Microsoft TEAMS conference window and click the "Raise Hand" button.  By clicking on this, a raised hand icon will appear on your stream for the Host and others to see.  You will be placed in a queue and called upon at the appropriate time.

If you find yourself in need of technical support, please feel free to call our Helpdesk at 812-349-2522 for assistance or email